We Are Made Studios is a fund and media initiative that connects creatives and young professionals of color to better access and opportunity.


Transform the role of impact by building more bold ideas driven by culture and created by people of color.

A space dedicated to honoring and celebrating black life, what does that look like?

Have you ever walked into a room and felt not only safe but valued being there? Have you ever had the chance to be who you are in the presence of others like you? That’s what this space was made for. We are committed to making the act of being seen a shared experience amongst people of color. We Are Made Studios is an extension of that vision, cultivated for the fullness of blackness to be expressed. This is your opportunity to see yourself reflected in a space that values who we are. 

What happens inside "The Studio"?

We Are Made Presents: Home of We Are Made Radio, a collection of curated series that share a new way of experiencing the fullness of black life. 

New shows coming soon! 

Learn more:

We Are Made podcast: A weekly podcast that shares the story and insight of creatives and curators of color. 



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